Cereal Box Puzzle Set by White Mountain

One of the most dangerous places for us to walk into is a store that sells puzzles. Self control? Non-existent as soon as we grab the door handle. Remorse? Never! This time the ‘culprit’ was the Puzzled Fun & Games store located in what is called The Island in Pigeon Forge, TN. You talk about puzzle heaven! This store is a great place to pass away an hour or two, going down aisle after aisle looking at puzzle after puzzle. We immediately proceeded to make a pile of puzzles at the checkout counter. One of the first to go on the stack was this Cereal Box Puzzle Set by White Mountain.

Fun! And More Fun!

This set consists of 6 boxes, each a different puzzle, 100 pieces each. Yep, they’re packaged just like the single serving cereal boxes of our childhood. The graphics on the pieces were bright and colorful. The pieces fit perfectly. They’re smaller puzzles that aren’t too hard to complete but they were super fun to put together.

Cereal Box Puzzle Set (Boxes) by White Mountain

Flash Backs

The fun part of assembling the Cereal Box Puzzle Set by White Mountain was of course thinking back to our younger days when sugary cereals were more common in our diets! But I do admit, I had some frosted flakes out of a small box at a hotel breakfast just the other day! The only thing missing were the morning cartoons on TV!

The Last Piece

Each ‘cereal box’ puzzle comes in its own resealable baggie. There is no poster included with this puzzle, but honestly you really don’t need one. Each puzzle is about 9″ high and 7″ wide. This is a fun puzzle and would make for a great gift for all ages!

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by manufacturer name.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by the number of pieces in the puzzle.