Tiki Beach Sunset Puzzle by Buffalo Games

This Tiki Beach Sunset puzzle by Buffalo Games had us quickly crowning Aimee Stewart as our favorite puzzle artist. The colors, the images and the objects in her puzzles just cannot be beat in our opinion. We are always drawn to her work. And often, we can recognize it from across the aisle in the store. There’s nothing else out there like it. We always have a stack of her puzzles on-hand, some waiting to be started and many already completed.

Enjoy The Challenge

We found a few areas of this Tiki Beach Sunset puzzle by Buffalo Games to be a bit challenging. Mostly because of the colors and shading. The rug on the floor, the ceiling and the fish tank were definitely harder areas than others.

It was also easy to get distracted by the many great objects in this puzzle. A turntable, skulls, model boats… a lizard… You name it. It’s just fun to assemble and more fun to sit back and enjoy when completed.

The Last Piece

This puzzle included a brightly colored poster. There are 1000 pieces in this puzzle. The assembled puzzle is about 27″ wide and 20″ high. The pieces fit very well and the image quality on the pieces is fantastic. The colors were great and the pieces are cut perfectly. This is a quality puzzle that brings hours of enjoyment.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by manufacturer name.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by the number of pieces in the puzzle.

Farm Fresh Puzzle by Buffalo Games

We can always count on artist Aimee Stewart to produce amazing puzzles. The Farm Fresh puzzle by Buffalo Games is one of her best. There are so many things in this puzzle. Wonderful things. Fresh produce everywhere. Seed packets. Signs. And of course, a kitten. What a great place to go if it was only real!

Color Eveywhere

The color contrasts in this Farm Fresh puzzle by Buffalo Games are wonderful. It was a very enjoyable experience putting it together. Are there some tough spots? You bet you. Some of the wood planks proved a bit harder. And we had to get our magnifying glass out a few times to make sure were were getting the shelf items right.

The Last Piece

This puzzle contains 2000 pieces. The final puzzle is about 26″ high and 38″ wide. It takes up a good half of our large dining room table. With the extra leaf added. The pieces fit well together. The colors are a mix of bright and colorful and subdued darks. It’s a challenge. But the end result is great to sit back and enjoy!

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by manufacturer name.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by the number of pieces in the puzzle.

Country Life Old Western Town Puzzle by Buffalo Games

I was instantly drawn to the picture on the box of this Country Life Old Western Town puzzle by Buffalo Games. “There’s a lot going on in that town”, I thought. And I thought “This isn’t going to be easy.” And it wasn’t, either. There are definitely some challenging spots in this puzzle. There are lots of browns and tans and reds. And the sky isn’t the easiest, either. But in the end, oh was it ever worth the effort!

Great Artwork

We don’t frame our finished puzzles. Or at least we haven’t yet. But if we did, this Country Life Old Western Town puzzle by Buffalo Games would definitely be one that we would frame. The detail and the colors are perfect. It’s the kind of puzzle you yell “yeeehaww!” after putting in the last piece. I’m not sure why, but you’ll find yourself doing it too. Trust me.

The Last Piece

This 550 piece puzzle included a poster and you’ll be happy like us that it did. The assembled puzzle is about 21″ wide and 15″ high. The pieces fit very well and the image quality on the pieces is fantastic. The colors were great and the pieces are cut perfectly. This is a quality puzzle that brings hours of enjoyment.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by manufacturer name.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by the number of pieces in the puzzle.

Pine Road Service Puzzle by Buffalo Games

Oh how fun! We so enjoyed assembling this Pine Road Service puzzle by Buffalo Games . Artist Hiro Tanikawa adds a cartoon feel to his art and it really shows in this fantastically fun puzzle. The colors and the imagery are top-notch. The detail is amazing. This is one of our favorite puzzles to have done. We will definitely seek out more works from Mr. Tanikawa!

Not Without Its Challenges

Not all is fun in games in this Pine Road Service puzzle by Buffalo Games. There are challenges all over. They make the final the result all the more enjoyable. The signs found around the puzzle were an easy place to start out. The trees were a bit tougher as was the sky above them. And parts of the road slowed us down too.

The Last Piece

This puzzle contains 1000 pieces. The final puzzle is about 19″ wide and 26″ high. The pieces are thick and cut perfectly. They fit together really well. The image is crisp and bright and the colors are amazing. This is an enjoyable, quality puzzle.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by manufacturer name.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by the number of pieces in the puzzle.

Hawaiian Food Truck Festival Puzzle by Buffalo Games

This Hawaiian Food Truck Festival puzzle by Buffalo Games was our first ‘Pun Fuzzle’. We didn’t even know what that was when we opened the box and started sorting the pieces. When you’re done with the puzzle (or maybe even while you’re assembling it) you’re faced with various challenges. Things to find. In this puzzle you needed to locate the 21 tacos. And find all of the puns. It’s just another fun way to enjoy a puzzle!

There’s More!

The Hawaiian Food Truck Festival puzzle by Buffalo Games is not the only puzzle that is more than a puzzle. Head on over to the Pun Fuzzles web site and find more. There’s all sorts of variations. Like hidden object games and other fun things!

What if you just want to do a puzzle and don’t care about that other stuff? Well you’ll still enjoy this puzzle. Big time! There are a lot of great things in this puzzle. Fun things. It’s a joy to put together from the first piece to the last!

The Last Piece

This puzzle contains 2000 pieces. The final puzzle is about 26.5″ high and 38.5″ wide. There is a large colorful poster included. The pieces are small, thick and fit really well. The image is crisp and bright. If you are looking for a quality puzzle that provides a whole lot of entertainment this is a great choice!

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by manufacturer name.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by the number of pieces in the puzzle.