Snack Stack Puzzle by Springbok

I have to fess up. I wanted to quit this puzzle 30 minutes into starting it. I thought the Snack Stack puzzle by Springbok was way too tough. I was frustrated. The colors on the pieces didn’t quite match the colors on the box. That might not seem like a big deal, but it is when you’re trying to tell the difference between cheese sauce, French fries and Cheetos for example. Fortunately, my wife talked me down and we put our heads together and struggled forward to completion.

Hours Of Hungry (But Slow) Progress

I love crazy sandwiches. The more this Snack Stack puzzle by Springbok came together, the hungrier I got. I should probably learn my lesson about buying food-related puzzles at some point but I appear to have a weakness for them. I’d probably finish a puzzle sooner if I’d stop looking at it and then started dreaming of having a sandwich.

The Last Piece

There is no poster included with this puzzle. The puzzle is about 24″ high and 30″ wide and contains 1000 pieces. The pieces are thick, cut well and fit well. As I mentioned, I felt that the color of the image on the puzzles could’ve better matched that of the picture on the box. But I guess the fact that they don’t match is part of the challenge!

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by manufacturer name.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by the number of pieces in the puzzle.

Taco Table Puzzle by Springbok

One of our favorite places to find puzzles is at antique malls. Sometimes we even luck out and find ones that are NIB (new in box), never having been put together. This time our luck was found at the Heart of Ohio Antique Center just outside of Springfield, Ohio. There’s a booth there that is chock full of new puzzles. Perhaps it was a local store going out of business, I do not know. But I do know that it had great puzzles, like this Taco Table puzzle by Springbok.

Hungry Puzzling

Food-related puzzles make us hungry. I mean really. Look at the fresh ingredients in this taco table puzzle by Springbok. I’d be all over those shrimp tacos. And the guac. The colors are so bright. What a fun puzzle to make. But it did make ours stomachs growl. A lot.

Pretty. But Not Easy.

There were parts of this puzzle that were quite challenging. There are lots of similar colors to be found all over. Fortunately, the puzzle image is quite clear. That helps. But it was still a great challenge and we enjoyed putting it together!

The Last Piece

This puzzle contains 1000 pieces. The final puzzle is about 24″ high and 30″ wide. The pieces are big, thick and fit really well. The image is crisp and bright. This is a great, quality puzzle!

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by manufacturer name.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by the number of pieces in the puzzle.

Snack Treats Puzzle by Springbok

Oh sure, why not get another puzzle that makes us hungry while we put it together? I thought we learned our lesson when we did the sandwich puzzle. Or the ice cream shop puzzle. But nope. We had to make the Snack Treats puzzle by Springbok. And we’re glad we did! There are so many fun treats to be found in this puzzle. It was fun finding snacks we had as kids. Or adults. And yes, it made us hungry!

The Dreaded Missing Piece

We bought this Snack Treats puzzle by Springbok at an antique mall. The box was a little beat up. It was definitely used. You always run a risk buying a used puzzle. And for the first time, we got one that was missing a piece. And not some obscure corner piece that you might not notice either. Nope. It’s right there smack dab in the middle. I don’t think it could get any more obvious. Well, it adds character, right? And the price was right too. The missing piece did not detract from our enjoying this puzzle.

The Last Piece

This puzzle did not include a poster, but keep in mind we bought ours used so maybe a new one includes a poster. There are 1000 pieces in this puzzle. The assembled puzzle is about 30″ wide and 24″ high. The pieces fit very well and the image quality on the pieces is fantastic. The colors were great and the pieces are cut perfectly. This is a quality puzzle that brings hours of enjoyment.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by manufacturer name.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by the number of pieces in the puzzle.