Snack Stack Puzzle by Springbok

Snack Stack Puzzle by Springbok

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I have to fess up. I wanted to quit this puzzle 30 minutes into starting it. I thought the Snack Stack puzzle by Springbok was way too tough. I was frustrated. The colors on the pieces didn’t quite match the colors on the box. That might not seem like a big deal, but it is when you’re trying to tell the difference between cheese sauce, French fries and Cheetos for example. Fortunately, my wife talked me down and we put our heads together and struggled forward to completion.

Hours Of Hungry (But Slow) Progress

I love crazy sandwiches. The more this Snack Stack puzzle by Springbok came together, the hungrier I got. I should probably learn my lesson about buying food-related puzzles at some point but I appear to have a weakness for them. I’d probably finish a puzzle sooner if I’d stop looking at it and then started dreaming of having a sandwich.

The Last Piece

There is no poster included with this puzzle. The puzzle is about 24″ high and 30″ wide and contains 1000 pieces. The pieces are thick, cut well and fit well. As I mentioned, I felt that the color of the image on the puzzles could’ve better matched that of the picture on the box. But I guess the fact that they don’t match is part of the challenge!

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by manufacturer name.

Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by the number of pieces in the puzzle.

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