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We can always count on artist Aimee Stewart to produce amazing puzzles. The Farm Fresh puzzle by Buffalo Games is one of her best. There are so many things in this puzzle. Wonderful things. Fresh produce everywhere. Seed packets. Signs. And of course, a kitten. What a great place to go if it was only real!
Color Eveywhere
The color contrasts in this Farm Fresh puzzle by Buffalo Games are wonderful. It was a very enjoyable experience putting it together. Are there some tough spots? You bet you. Some of the wood planks proved a bit harder. And we had to get our magnifying glass out a few times to make sure were were getting the shelf items right.
The Last Piece
This puzzle contains 2000 pieces. The final puzzle is about 26″ high and 38″ wide. It takes up a good half of our large dining room table. With the extra leaf added. The pieces fit well together. The colors are a mix of bright and colorful and subdued darks. It’s a challenge. But the end result is great to sit back and enjoy!
Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by manufacturer name.
Click here for our ever-changing list of puzzles we’ve completed, arranged by the number of pieces in the puzzle.