This is our ever-changing list of puzzles that we’ve completed, arranged by manufacturer. Click on the links to read about our experiences with each one!
Numbers in parenthesis are the piece counts for each puzzle.
Bathtime (1000)
Looney Tunes That’s All Folks (1000)
Big Ben
Colorful Umbrellas in Bali (1000)
Bits And Pieces
50s Starlite Diner (500)
Terrie’s Fall Festival (500) – Missing one piece!
Buffalo Games
Alpine Serenity (1000)
Beachcomber’s Bounty (2000)
Birch Point Cove (1000)
Birdwatching Fun (1000)
Blanket Fort 1979 (1000)
Budzen’s (1000)
Cookies And Cocoa (1000)
Country Life – Old Western Town (500)
Country Store (1000)
Family Campsite (500)
Family Vacation (2000)
Farm Fresh (2000)
Flowers and Flyers (1000)
Gulls Nest (1000)
Hawaiian Food Truck Festival (2000)
Memory Maker (1000)
Merry Mushroom Village Picnic (2000)
Moonlight and Roses (1000)
Pine Road Service (1000)
Pretty As A Pitcher (1000)
Rooster Express (1000)
Sunday Morning Stroll (1000)
Surf Shack (2000)
The Naturalists Collection (1000)
Tiki Beach Sunset (1000)
Turkey In The Straw (500)
Vintage Knitting (1000)
Virginia’s Nest (1000)
Vivid Collection Butterflies (1000)
Winter Reading Nook (1000)
Foxglove Cottage (1000)
Ice Cream Shop Window (2000)
Mickey and Friends Boardwalk Fun (1500)
Tsum Tsum (300)
Winsor Manor (1000)
Cobble Hill
Cabin Porch (1000)
Cross & Glory
Donut Delight (1000)
Meet The Aliens Myrrha & Zarek (1000)
Meet The Aliens Tralyn & Jorin (1000)
Petals And The Midnight Cat (1000)
Whiskered World A Kitty Kaleidoscope (Cross & Glory)
Black Cat (1000)
The French Walkway (1000)
The Greatest Bookstore In The World (1000)
Venice Rialto Bridge (1000)
Heirloom Pumpkins (1000)
Liberty Bay (500)
Ice Cream Dream (1000)
Alice in Wonderland (1000)
Farmer’s Market Sale On The Square (750)
Home Sweet Home Annie’s Hideaway (Bits and Pieces)
Home Sweet Home Making Bread (550)
Shopkeepers Cakes and Treats (750)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1000)
Milton Bradley
Rooster Express (1000)
Dad’s Shed (500)
Blossoming Beauties (1000)
The Kitchen Cupboard (1000)
RP Studio
For The Love Of Cats (500)
Snack Stack (1000)
Snack Treats (1000) – Missing one piece!
Taco Table (1000)
Spooky Tooth (1000)
The OP Puzzles
Dr Seuss Oh The Places You Will Go (1000)
Vermont Christmas Company
Holiday Village Square (1000)
Village Grocer (1000)
White Mountain
Beach Fun (1000)
Book Nook (1000)
Bob’s Hardware (1000)
Cereal Box Set (600)
Pretty As A Pitcher (1000)
Reader’s Paradise (1000)
Summer Breeze (1000)